
Involvement in vain activities

Q: Mufti Saheb, if no money or goods are involved, is it halaal to have a league, with family, where you predict football match results and then have a league table of who got the most predictions right, based on their odds? There is no money or real stake (in the form of any asset) involved. It's done for fun and of course, a small feeling of achievement when someone wins or leads.

Premarital relationship and thoughts of suicide

Q: I am 24 years old and by birth a non Muslim but had relations with a Muslim boy for over 5 1/2 years. We have been planning to get married after my convertion. I believe in Allah. For these 5 1/2 years l lived like a Muslim girl. I know that both my parents will not accept us easily but I thought that his parents would support me more than mine. I tried alot. He told me to take a loan and join for the msc and in 2 years time we would get married. I listened to him and completed my msc. He promised to marry me. I did things with him because he told me that we will make everything halal after getting married. I gave him everything but I am still a virgin. Few months ago, his parents found about us and they changed him. He got married to another girl and started to a new life. He forgot about everything. He hides from me and his friends. Allah also supported and saved him. I prayed alot but Allah didnt hear my prayer. Perhaps it is because I was born a non Muslim girl. I believe and pray alot to Allah. I told his parents that I believe in Allah Amd I like to live like a Muslim girl. I asked them to please give me a chance to be a good Muslim girl. But they did not accept. Allah did not answer my duas. This boy dropped me at the last second and he told "What I did will not gave you a child so forget what happened between us and live your life with someone else. My mother does not accept you and I cant disobey my mother." I know that a mother is a great gift of Allah and Allah told us not to make your mother sad. I can also give birth to a child then I will become a mother. Why does he not think about that. He did also made a mistake and cheated on me. Why Allah is not punishing him? He used me and me and left me. I am so heart broken and feel betrayed because he used me so much. I have been crying and praying to Allah. I begged every one to please help me to become a good Muslim girl but nobody helped me. At last I'm having thoughts of committing suicide. I know that it is harram in Islam. But I dont have any athor option. He touched my body with the promise that he will marry me. I told him that its was bad thing and we are not married. I am still a virgin but my body is also important to me. I lost everything but he gets a good life. Now l prayed to Allah to take my life back. I dont want to live. If I live, I dont want to be cheated by another boy. If I tell this thing to anyone then nobody will want to marry me. What must I do?

Animal Human hybrid

Q: With the advancement of science and technology, scientist and researchers in China, Europe or other Western countries are creating Animal Human hybrid or trying to create a human child from animals using stem cells or sperm of human and combining them with animals cells to produce human child and became successful to some extent. In future if due to such thing a human child is born from animals and one tends to drink the milk of those animals, so are the laws of foster relationship or “Razaat” develops with those animals according to Islam. Kindly explain in detail.