

Q: Please may I request your assistance in three questions that I have bases on my scenario? I am a 48 years old revert to Islam. With my initial acceptance of Islam I was overwhelmed with the beauty of this dean of Allah. I accepted it with full heart soul and immediately adopted a life of only Islam and the way of life of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) of almighty Allah. At that point, 12 years back, I was a very popular figure in our community, I had a very successful business, and I enjoyed love, respect and support from my family and lived a comfortable life in a fairly large house. I still remember that the only thing missing in my life was a humble, pious and obedient wife. Needless to say that is a very difficult gift to obtain. Since embracing Islam and changing my views on how to do business and how to please my Allah I have lost almost all my family, I don’t have any friends, and because of a partnership dispute I now have no business and live I a small home, but Alhamdulillah I am content with what Allah has given me. I am married with one daughter of 6 years but I am very unhappy in my life. I feel that Allah has put me through so many tests that my Mufti here once told me I am a sabr champion (on alight note). I just can’t find common ground with my wife to build a good relationship with her and I know she is not happy with our nikaah at the moment. I can’t see talaaq as an option as I love my wife and daughter very much and can’t see myself living without them but at the same time we are not happy and fight all the time. I have tried many options and sacrifices but nothing seems to help. My 3 questions are as follows:

1. Is it permissible to ask Allah in dua to take your life as you feel you can’t carry on living in unhappiness and not having the ability to make your spouse happy?

2. Is it permissible to take your own life in fear that you might run out of sabr and lose your Imaan?

3. Is it permissible to go in Jihad not just for the pleasure of Allah but also hoping to lose your life because of your unhappiness?

Killing robbers


1- As in this time robbery is common in our society. Some time robbers snatch costly things on gun point. I want to ask what is Islamic teaching about protecting our goods. Does Islam teaches us to resist in this situation from snatching or protecting his/her life is more important? As if one resists before robbers they may harm that person or even kill him.

2- If during robbery one kills robbers is this allowed or not? Will this person be treated a killer in the sight of Islam or during defence this is allowed?

Stack exchange website

Q: While searching for a few Islamic questions I had I ran into the following "Islamic" website: Where people can post question and answers. A few information in regards to this website:

- This website is owned by the StackExchange network, whose CEO (and founder) is Joel Spolsky.

- He is An Israeli/American Jew who is openly Homosexual (Gay):

- Anyone can give fatwa on the website, registration is free and you can add any answer you like even if it goes against the teachings of Islam.

- Website is Pro Gay, even in the answering of Questions in that regards.

The above wouldn't really be an issue to me, however, the website tend to spread too much false information like:

It is ok to be a homosexual as long as you don't practice it:…

Sexual acts that aren't penetration are not zina:…

Hijab is not mandatory:

Music is Halal:

The list goes on an on. I think this website was made to deter Muslims from the true message of Islam, however, I am not sure how I can spread the word
about it if I am right. My question is:

If this website is indeed bad. What is the job of websites (like yourself) of dissipating such propaganda and alerting Muslims to be beware of such website (which is the first of its kind).

Taking kitaabs from a distribution box

Q: Outside the Madrasah bookshop there are some boxes of old/used kitaabs on a bench. Some people put their kitaabs which they don't want in the boxes. Other peoples kitaabs end up in the box without them knowing, e.g. someone misplaced his kitaab and someone else put it in the boxes. Also at the beginning of the term /year kitaabs which weren't claimed are put in the boxes by other people not by the owner. Is it permissible to take kitaabs from the boxes? If kitaabs were taken must it be put back?