

Q: Everyone hates me, even my mother wanted to kill me. Please help me I am also fed up with my life and want to commit suicide. Help me, what can I do?

Destroying idols

Q: I have learnt that to demolish or disrespect the sacred idols (worshiped) (like to burn the statues or spitting on them inside the religious places like temple) of non Muslims kept at religious places or at any other place is sin. Is it permissible to destroy the idols inside the temple and plunder its booty as (maal-e-ghaneemat) during the war like jihad (between Muslims and Kaafir)? Also does Islam allow to do the same during the islamic law (khilafat) under normal conditions?

Spending wealth on comforts

Q: If Allah Ta'ala has given us abundant wealth, is there anything wrong in using it for our own comforts? I mean to build nice furnished house, wear good clothes, have high quality food, visit tourist places etc, provided we also give out our wealth in charity? Or we should only live a simple life and give out greater part of our wealth in the path of Allah as Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) used to do?

Mixing yeast with sugar to produce CO2

Q: There is a Hadith that states: “Allah has cursed wine, the one who drinks it, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who purchases it, the one who presses it, the one who manufactures it, the one who transports it and the one to whom it is delivered.” (Abu Dawood, #: 3676, Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar) What exactly does wine/alcohol mean? I am in the planted aquarium hobby. One of the practices is to make DIY CO2. This involves mixing yeast (baking or brewers yeast) with sugar, to produce CO2, that is transported to the tank in order to improve plant growth. The yeast/sugar mix eventually turns into alcohol, and thereafter is replaced with a new mixture. For a full article on the procedure, please refer to… Does such mixtures fall into the above Hadith?