

Q: I would like to know what is meant by adolescence being an age of madness according to Shariah? Also, what is the Islamic perspective on adolescents? I am doing research for a Madrasah assignment.

Calculating according to the solar calendar

Q: A boy who has not had a wet dream becomes baligh at the age of 15. I am aware that this refers to the 15 years in the lunar calender, but since people generally do not know their age in the lunar calendar, can we instead just tell them "15 years", even if they will assume this to be according solar calendar? This since it is difficult for the awwaam to calculate their age according to the lunar calender. Similarly can we tell them that "A child should be made to pray at the age of 7", "the custody of a girl moves away from her mother at the age of 9" etc, even though we know that they will assume this to be solar years? Also, can we ourselves act on the solar years too, even though we are aware that lunar years are really meant?

Becoming baaligh

Q: A few months back before I became baaligh I masturbated and semen came out. It just appeared and it did not shoot out. I took it as though I was baaligh and after that whenever I masturbated semen just appeared. It did not really shoot out. Ever since I did not have a single wet dream. I am not sure whether I have wet dreams as my semen does not shoot out. My penis is still really small but I am 15 years old. 1. Did I become baligh at that time when I first masturbated? 2. Is salaah made as an imam accepted? My penis is still small. What should I do. Alhamdulillah I did not masturbate for 3 months and I don't think I had a wet dream either. Please answer everything in detail.

Not entertaining drug addicts

Q: If a drug addict live with us and he steals our things and just make life so difficult for us, is it wrong of me to not give that person food? We used to give before, for years we just looked pass it but now I stopped and I feel so bad about it. Will Allah be displeased with me if I don't want to give anymore? If drug addicts ask for food is it also wrong to refuse them after we know that they spend their money on drugs and depend on the community to help them with food. I love to give and used to give anyone that came at my door but the drug addicts are persistent.

Signing petitions

Q: The response of Muslims to legislation and actions of the government that harm Muslims within the country and outside is to start a petition to get the government to stop their proposed action. This now seems to be the default Muslim position. If you ask them whether they made Istighfaar, Du'a, performed Salatul Hajat, they would say no. In any case, there is little or no evidence that such petitions make a difference. The outcome is almost always the same. Based on the above my question are as follows: 1. What is the point of Muslims drawing up and/or signing petitions? 2. What examples do we have from the Seerah of how Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) dealt with oppression against the Muslims from the people of Makkah?

Mother cursing her child

Q: When a mother always has something bad to say about her child e.g. She always say things like "you are not a pleasure" and "I don't see a good future for you" etc. Is that like making a bad dua on that child? Will those words uttered by a mother be accepted by the Almighty?