
Contemplating suicide

Q: I am a revert. I have sent a question before asking about divorcing my husband. My husband is having relationships with other non muslim women. Takes them on coffee dates. Compliments them etc. I have gone to the Jamiatul ulama SA and my husband just says what they want to hear but he doesn't change his ways. They also don't follow up. Can I commit suicide? I'm tired of lies, fake Muslims and him.

The four sacred months

Q: Allah Ta'ala has decreed four sacred month and this is well known. Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has mentioned so many virtues of the month of Ramadaan. What is the difference between the four sacred months and the blessed month of Ramadaan. Which ones are more superior and why?

Doing a wrong to win someone’s heart

Q: On a recent tour of the UK a certain aalim posed for a photo with Amir Khan, a boxer, who participates in a Haraam music-promoting sport, and whose satr is exposed due to his profession. This nakedness would particularly be the case at weigh-ins before bouts where, I believe boxers would strip down to just their underpants. All this is in the name of winning the hearts of dunya celebrities so that they come on to Deen and start doing the work of Dawat and Tabligh. This irks my conscience as I cannot imagine that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam would condone the sins of a man by posing with him in a photograph in order to win his heart and spread love. Furthermore, allows himself to be videoed in a Masjid during his talks. Women attend at night, in many cases without their Mahrams. It is naive to think that Maulana doesn't know this happens in a country like UK. Is there any justification whatsoever in Shariah for this aalims actions?

Appointing a responsible person to be the ameer

Q: I have read a fatwa by a Mufti who said that Ibn Abideen in his Radd al Muhtaar said that those who manage the affairs of the mosques must be free of Fisq (Ie - they cannot be a Faasiq). Does the same rule apply generally? Ie - do those who are managing the affairs of the Muslims in another capacity also need to be free of fisq? For example - Can an ameer of a da'wah organisation be a Faasiq or must an 'aadil person be ameer? I was taught this but we studied a Maaliki book and I wanted to know the Hanafi position. Can I also request references inshaa Allah because I would like to incorporate this rule into our constitution.