Is there any virtue in 786
Q: Is there any basis in Islam with regards to the numbers 786 representing Bismillah hir Rahmanir Rahim? Many people say that this is correct but I have not seen any authentic hadiths supporting this claim.
Q: Is there any basis in Islam with regards to the numbers 786 representing Bismillah hir Rahmanir Rahim? Many people say that this is correct but I have not seen any authentic hadiths supporting this claim.
Q: Is applying face paint on your face on sports day to identify with your team haraam? I heard a sister in Islam saying that it is haraam.
Q: What is the reason behind burning loban or charcoal on a Thursday? And do you burn after Asr or after Maghrib?
Q: Is "chipping" a car (i.e paying a company to change the software on a car, to make the car faster) permissible? Or would this fall under wastage of money?
Q: The ringtones available on my mobile phone contain music, so I am searching for an alternative which is not classed as music. I found this ringtone which simulates the sound of a classical telephone:
Can you please listen to the ringtone on the link I provided and inform me if it is permissable? Does it matter that it is not a recording of a real telephone, but rather a computer simulation?
Q: Is it permissible to carry out experiments which involve food or food ingredients being used up, wasted, for educational purposes? Such experiments are sometimes done in schools. For example, leaving a tooth in a glass of fizzy drink (which will make the fizzy drink go to waste) or mixing sugar and sulphuric acid to produce a reaction (which makes the sugar go to waste).
Q: Can we set the tone as a ring tone which contain the terms Allah and Rosool?
Q: What is the responses to:
Are there several responses for what is mentionned above?
Q: Is there any virtue for or significance in the number 786?
Q: Before we do any action we recite bismillah. Is there any harm if I add to it and say "bismillah was salaatu was salaamu ala rasulillah" before I commence any action whether small or big?