Suicide bombings
Q: Is suicide bombings allowed in Islam?
Q: Is suicide bombings allowed in Islam?
Q: I would like to know what is the Islamic view on prehistoric life?
Q: Is it permissible to do face painting etc for children?
Q: Please can you assist me in understanding the ruling of jihad in todays age (where we are without a caliphate) and when it would become incumbent on us to actively participate in physical jihad? I ask because I am feeling increasingly helpless when I look at the atrocities that our brothers and sisters are enduring in so many parts of the world - e.g. Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, etc. I do realise that we can make duaa to Allah (subhanahuwataála), that He ease the affairs of our brothers and sisters, and that we can make donations and offer aid in relief work. However, are we not expected to do more, by way of uniting in physical jihad - e.g. in Palestine? At which point would this become obligatory for us? Are we waiting to unite under one caliphate before doing so? Please assist me insha Allah. I have tried understanding this issue for some time now. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the sunni fiqh of jihad in todays age. I think that there are many people in confusion, and so they turn to less reputable on-line sources to understand their role in jihad better.
Q: What does the symbol of two swords crossing one another facing upwards on the flag of some Islamic movements or groups symbolize?
Q: I read a response to the question on the punishment for a person committing suicide. However, my questions are:
Q: My eight year old nephew has asked me a question that I do not have full knowledge about. His teacher in school was discussing dinosaurs with them, he wants to know what is the Islamic version or truth about these creatures. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but I appeal to you to assist me with some information.
Q: I reaaly need help or i dont know when i will suicide.everytime i ask dua, the CONTRARY arises. and i dont have anything in this life and nobody. i dont know why most people make fun of me. i have nobody to support me and i failed in doing many things. many times i thought of life is really dark.i cant see any solution.there are many things to tell but it will take pages.did allah curse me because when a people is at test, atleast he will help a bit not kill him like i am dying everyday. PLEASE ASK DUAS FOR ME. suggedt a solution if possible. yesterday i ask a dua that protect me from all bad people in the earth and today itself when i was in the bus stop, someone make a sign at me that he will kill me. so it is a curse. isnt it. but some people say that i am a good boy.