The criteria for success
Q: I know a person on whose left hand is written "Allah" in Arabic. His veins depict it. What does that mean? Will this guy go to paradise, maybe to Firdaus Al'Ala for sure?
Q: I know a person on whose left hand is written "Allah" in Arabic. His veins depict it. What does that mean? Will this guy go to paradise, maybe to Firdaus Al'Ala for sure?
Q: Nowadays Muslims and non Muslims clap their hands. It has become a norm in society, if we are listening to a speech of a non Muslim or a Muslim in a public hall where non Muslims are also present and they all clap hands after a good speech. Will it be permissible to join them clapping hands, because if we don't clap the hands they assume that we didn't like the speech and then looked down upon?
Q: I am confused about what is going on in Egypt and Syria, and in pretty much all of the middle east, especially now that their is some sort of "democratic" intervention trying to play into the politics of these Muslim dominate societies. What is your personal opinion, and what should a Muslim do to help our brothers an sisters around the world? How can we better our brothers and sisters in their struggles? We pray for them. But if you could help give me an idea, and some sort of direction on what I should know about the Egyptian and Syrian situation, and how I can help my brothers and sisters in general. Insha Allah I will do so.
Q: What is the masalah with regards to burning incense stick-agarbatti in the home? Is it tashabbuh bil hindus or not?
Q: Is scientific research allowed for a muslim? If it is then what is the Tariqa and niyyah? if it is not then why?
Q: Allah says he won't push a person past their limits so why do people commit suicide?
Q: To possess a car in the place where I stay is a luxury simply because of the public transport (taxis and buses) been so well established. Nevertheless, it makes life much easier to possess a car because taxis are expensive and buses takes abit longer. In this situation does possessing a car still fall under hawaaij al asliyyah?
Q: Why do Muslims pray in Arabic than their own languages?
Q: Can a woman commit suicide to protect herself from rape if she can't kill the person who is trying to rape her? Will she be sinful if she kills the raper?
Q: Is face painting permissible? If not, please advise as to why it is not permissible.