Teaching deen to the opposite gender
Q: I learnt in Islam that it is very bad to reveal one's personal secrets to others, but is there any danger in teaching my Muslim brother something new I learnt about Deen like how to perform ghusl?
Q: I learnt in Islam that it is very bad to reveal one's personal secrets to others, but is there any danger in teaching my Muslim brother something new I learnt about Deen like how to perform ghusl?
Q: Please advice if a woman/wife can send a WhatsApp a message to a ghair mahram without the knowledge of her husband and check his status on WhatsApp and share it with others. It is allowed in Islam?
Q: I am friends with a girl who is going through a lot of struggle mentally, this is happening since 2 years. I have been trying to help her and I have been listening to her cry most of the time. This has started affecting my mental health. As our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said to be there for a friend when the friend is sad and going through mental suffering. I wanted to know if it is right if I start distancing myself from her problems and start focusing on my mental health. She cries out to me and dumps her problems on my head and this is effecting me mentally. I just want to know if it will be right if I stop talking to her.
Q: Wanted to ask if a married man can keep a healthy friendship with the divorcee, though the man thinks he only wants to help the divorcee woman in one way, maybe financially or any other need. Is this relationship permissible?
Q: Is a madrasah jalsa allowed for men and women to sit in one open hall with no segregation and photos taken of the children performing?
Q: I was at a restaurant with my brother and two boys were staring at us. While leaving, I went to them and told them to feel ashamed as they are staring like this. Did I commit a sin? What should I have done? How can I ask for forgiveness from Allah?
Q: Is it ok for boys to study in co education institutes?
Q: Is it permissible for a man to teach girls at an academy/schools?
Q: If an Alim is running a Hifth class, can he run a WhatsApp group with all the mothers on but his wife is also on the group?
Q: I am a teen at the age of 17 and I am wondering if it is permissible for me to give Dawah to a non-mahram female. So I can keep in contact and choose her for marriage when Im ready. As of now I have made no absolute contact with her or exchange of words.