Aamils touching women
Q: Is it permissible for the Aamil (raaqi) to touch the woman for whom he is reciting ruqyah, even if she is with her mahram?
Q: Is it permissible for the Aamil (raaqi) to touch the woman for whom he is reciting ruqyah, even if she is with her mahram?
Q: It is obviously haraam to violate the hijab, in terms of both, appearance and attitude and actions. I know for example, speaking about private things to the opposite gender is haraam. What if one shakes the hand of the opposite gender whom he/she is completely un-attracted to? Is there still sin in this?
Q: Is it permissible to help an old na mahram women across the road holding her hand?
Q: Is it permissible to touch a very old gair mahram?