Drinking Zam Zam water while standing
Q: We drink water by sitting, then why do we have to drink zam zam water standing ? If we are in Makkah and the water available there is zam zam, then should we drink it by standing everytime?
Q: We drink water by sitting, then why do we have to drink zam zam water standing ? If we are in Makkah and the water available there is zam zam, then should we drink it by standing everytime?
Q: My relative is in ICU so he can't take taharat, can he drink zamzam water without wudhu & taharat.
Q: I have witnessed some Muslim brethren offering Zam Zam Water to non Muslims after they return from Hajj or at other times at weddings. Is this allowed?
Q: In may 2016 we went to umra from their we brought the Holy zam zam water. Till Ramadan we used it and the remaining half bottle we kept. Now I opened to use and finish the water. I saw some tiny particles like sand not bacteria in the water. Shall we boiled the water and use it?
Q: I require the following clarification. 1. What is the shelf life of Zam Zam Water from the time it is collected from the Zam Zam Well. We understand that Zam Zam water can be stored for long periods of time without getting spoiled. 2. We have still some stock of it given to us in July 2011, carefully stored in the refrigerator. Can we drink it now?
Q: If a person used zam zam water for istinjaa whilst having no other water available, will he be sinful?
Q: While performing tawaaf my wudhu broke due to blood coming out from a wound due to the crowd. I renewed my wudhu with zam zam water so is my wudhu and tawaf valid?
Q: I heard that mixing some zamzam in a glass of water will give the whole glass of water the qualities of zamzam. Will the same be true for a cup of tea - i.e. would it be recommendable that we add a few drops of zamzam to our daily morning tea, giving it the qualities of zamzam?
Q: I wanted to ask can we give zam zam water to a Hindu as he is suffering from constant hiccups for over many years.
Q: I have a little zam zam left with me and I want to use it everyday. Can I dilute it with distilled water? Will it still be zam zam? What should be the ratio of dilution? The zam zam we get is already diluted or is it direct from the well?