Zam zam

Diluted ZamZam

Q: Does the Hadith "Zamzam is for the purpose it is drunk for" apply also for a small amount of zamzam which has been mixed with tap water? Also, should we recite the dua "Allaahumma innee assaluka ilman nafia [..]" when drinking such diluted zamzam water? I am asking since I heard that the qualities of zamzam remain even after dilution.

Standing and drinking Zam Zam


  1. I have witnessed many Muslims standing up when they drink Zam Zam Water. Those who sit and drink are being ridiculed by many people and even Mullahs who justify that we must always stand up while drinking Zam Zam Water. 
  2. I have also witnessed many people standing/walking while drinking water and eating dates in Haram Sharief in Makkah. But, the Sunnah of Rasul Allah Sallallaahu Alaihiwa Sallam is that we must always sit while drinking or eating. Please clarify in detail.