
Taking a females exam from behind a veil

Q: Can you please advise if a female is allowed to give quraan imtihaan to a Moulana from behind a veil. Generally we have Moulana's taking imtihaan in our maktab madrasahs and to accommodate the girl students who have reached the age of puberty we provide a place where they can sit and be tested on their Quraan from behind a curtain. However the Moulana's cannot see the girls at all but only listen to them reading the Quraan. Is this permissible?

Women's voice

Q: Is a woman's voice part of her ourah? I learned that the wakeel of a woman must first give way to her before she can be allowed to speak to a man other than a direct male relative of her family. I ask because I hear woman speak freely on the Islamic radio stations and it doesn't sound right.