
Waswasas regarding ghusal

Q: In ghusl of janabat water must reach under finger and toe nail? After every ghusl I get different kinds of doubt like water is not reaching in my mustache or anything. What can I can do? I suffer waswasas after every ghusl. I am facing a lot of doubt. In ghusal janaabat, if I forgot washing any part of the body what can I do?

Wet dream

Q: When at night we see a wet dream and we ejaculate, is it farz to do gusl afterwards? In winters it is difficult to take bath at fajr and then go to masjid. If after ejaculation we don't do gusl can we offer salaah with just wudhu?

Wet dream

Q: I woke up in the morning and found my self a little wet i.e some ejaculation and I didn't have any dream of having sex or being seduced. So do I have to bath before praying?

Irregular bleeding

Q: İ have a problem with my period days. Sometimes it lasts for 9 or 11 and sometimes to 14 but just after the 9th day I have brown discharge. This discharge can be in the morning and stops for the rest of the day. Then it can come back late at night or the next day so I wait till all these discharges finish and to be sure that I am clean then I make ghusl.

1. Am I guilty for not making ghusal and praying in the time where the discharge stops before coming back again? Plus I heard a sheikh said it is OK to wait for one day to make sure that you are clean and then do ghusl.

2. Is it really permissible to wait as he said?