
Wet dream


1. If a man has a wet dream and finds wetness on his garment but the wetness is less than a diameter of 2.75cm, is ghusl still necessary?

2. If a man finds mazi of a diameter less than 2.75cm but he does not remember having a wet dream, is ghusl still necessary?

Wrong thoughts

Q: I was getting help from the teacher for a questions and I was sitting and some bad sexual thoughts came to my mind and I randomly was shaking my leg to and the thought gave me a weird feeling in my private area but soon left also I was shaking my leg but not for the purpose to get rid of that feeling as soon as I realized I even was shaking my leg I stopped but since I was concentrating on my work the thought left my mind and later when I got up I felt a slight bit of wetness and when I came home there was a bit of discharge. Am I napaak?


Q: If I take a bath and clean my nose and mouth in a wudhu way, would it be considered to be wudhu? If so then shall the water reach all parts of my body while bathing? What about ears?

Wet dream

Q: If I had a wet dream, on waking up I don't feel and see any wetness on my clothes and private area but I feel little wetness in private area so ghusal is fardh on me and also this wetness is not mani, should I insert a cloth inside the private part?

Ghusal after a post mortem

Q: Deceased Muslim victims of accidents such as Road/Fire/Drowning/Murder and the like whom the law authorities takeover, conduct an autopsy/post mortem on them. After this process, the body is wrapped in a white cloth and handed over to the relatives. How must one conduct the Ghusl e Janaazah on this body. Must the body be unwrapped (even though there may be bleeding from the many sutures on it) and bathed or is there a different method. Please clarify in the light of Sunnah.