
Discharge in the shower

Q: I am a female and have a lot of daily disharge. Before ghusal I always urinate. Sometimes just after completing my ghusal I feel to see if discharge has came out or not and I'll feel that discharge has come out. So that means I rinsed my private part and while taking ghusal normal daily discharged has come out. Does it contaminate the water running down my legs while making ghusal? Is my ghusal valid, or should I repeat it?

Validity of ghusal with braces

Q: I have a large gap inbetween my front two teeth. I would like to get braces to close this gap. It is not a major medical problem, and does not affect me, but the dentist has said that because of the way my jaw is positioned, my bottom teeth are pushing my top teeth out and therefore the gap will become bigger with time.

1. Is it permissable for me to get braces?

2. Will my ghusl be valid with braces on?

Ghusal after an operation

Q: Wanted to ask, recently had keyhole surgery and was in haidh but now need to take a bath to become clean. Because of stitches been told not to get that part of the knee wet. Would running across wet palms across that area suffice for ghusal?