Sajdah and Jalsah

Dua to be recited in jalsa

Q: Is there any dua to be read between two sujoods? I have never heard of saying any dua between two sujoods. If someone does not say any dua between two sujoods, does he need to make sajda-e-sahw? I recently heard that one should say " Rabig-Firli" between two sajoods and if someone does not say then he has to make sajda-e-sahw. Is it correct?

Making a mistake in the tasbeeh of ruku' or sajdah

Q: In salah if I make a pronounciation mistake in sajda or ruku while reciting the tasbeeh first time or second time and if I correct it in the third time, will the salaah be still valid or the moment I make a mistake in sajda or ruku the salah becomes invalid. If the mistake happens in sajda or ruku, if I correct it the total tasbeeh becomes 4 times and in other sajdas it will only be 3 times. Does this difference effect the validity of salah and how to correct myself when I make mistake in sajda.

Making dua in sajdah

Q: What I wanted to ask you is that how can one make dua in sujood? Is it allowed for one to make dua in a speaking way in sujood or you just make dua in your heart when in sujood and the second thing is that I want to know how to make dua to Allah Ta'ala and at what time when some one has wronged you, has hurt you etc, what should I pray to just complain about that person to Allah Ta'ala?

Joining the heels in sajdah


1. Should one's heels be apart or touching whilst in sujood? Is this sunnah? If so which part of the foot should be touching each other as a lot of people are not aware of this?

2. If one recites bismillah in the 3rd or 4th rakaat of a fadh salaah after surah fatiha as though he is going to recite a surah, but then realises and doesn't proceed with the surah, would this require sajda-e-sahw?