Reciting behind the Imaam

Reciting behind the Imaam

Q: I require clarification on the following

1.During Dhuhr and Asr, when we say our Salaah in silence, must the Imam and the Musallis recite the Surah/Ayats in silence, each on their own or must the Imam alone recite the Surah/Ayats and the Musallis must keep quiet?

2.On Jumu’ah Day why is the Adhaan said twice instead of one as in the other days of the week?

Reciting behind the Imaam


1. I just want to ask in the zuhr and asr salaah when you are behind the Imam are you going to recite the surah fatiha and then after fatiha do I need to recite another surah? Or only the surah fatiha?

2. Another question of mine in magrib and isha salaah on the first and second rakaat after we say ameen behind the imam, do I need to repeat the surah
fatiha silently while the imam is reciting another surah? I follow Abu Hanifa.