Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah

Ash’arees and Maatureedis

Q: Can you please explain who the  Ash’arees are? I am very confused about them because ulema-e-Deoband usually list themselves as Ash’aree or Matreedi, but Arabian scholars like Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen and bin Baz clearly consider Ash'aree and Matreedi out of Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaah.  Why do the Arabian scholars consider Ash'aree and Matreedi to be outside of Ahle-sunnah wal Jamaah. What is even more confusing is that our ulema respect the aforementioned scholar, but if you read fatwa work of these scholars, you will clearly see that they consider Ash'aree and Matreedi to be a batil sect.

Subscribing to the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'h

Q: I have questions about marriage. My grandparnt use to be go to jumatkhana, they were ismaily. But the new generation nobody goes to jumatkhana. I have never been there. Everyone in my family belives in Allah and Quran and my belief is also very strictly on Allah and Quran. I don't like to go to jumatkhana. When I got married we didn't know that my husband and his family were going to jummatkhana but my nikaah was the Islamic way so I lilke to know is my nikkah haraam or halaal. I have a 7 year old son too. We got separated for some other reasons.