Missing Jumuah Salaah
Q: My question is what happens if we leave Friday's Salaah for three weeks consecutively? Will we become kaafir?
Q: My question is what happens if we leave Friday's Salaah for three weeks consecutively? Will we become kaafir?
Q: If I join the Jumuah Salah after the Imam gets up from ruku in the second rakaat, then do I pray two rakaats Jumuah Salaah or four rakaats Zuhr Salaah after the Imam makes salaam?
Q: I was travelling in a foreign country and had to perform Jummuah Salaah at a Jamaat Khana on the premises of an "Islamic bank". Is my Salaah valid?
Q: Recently my small brother left juma prayers (as he was sleeping and when he got up he realized that he missed the juma prayers). There was nobody in the house at that time to wake him up. Our parents do not live with us, we live alone. So there is no one in the home accept my brother. He told me yesterday that this was the third time he missed juma prayer. I read a hadith stating that if you leave juma for three consecutive weeks you will become a kafir. I told my brother this Hadith, he is very worried, because he thinks he is not a Muslim any more. He promised me that he will not repeat this. He wants to atone for his mistake and remain a Muslim till his death. What should he do at this point?
Q: Due to employment or education, people may not be given permission and/or will not be able to perform Jum'ah Salah at the standard Jamat time in the Masjid. Hence, in summer, a later Jum'at takes place (late afternoon) in the same Masjid so that people do no not miss Jum'ah altogether?
(a) Is it permissible to organise a second Jum'ah Jamat in the same Masjid where one Jum'ah Salaah has already taken place?
(b) If not, please explain why?
(c) If this is not permissible, are there any alternative solutions or should one ensure that, come what may, they attend the Jum'ah Salah which takes place at the standard time?
Q: Due to space restriction in an existing Masjid, is it permissible for Muslims to perform Jum'ah Salah in a church on the basis that some brothers argue that the whole earth is a Masjid and provided that any items pertaining to shirk are covered, there is no problem in performing Salah in a church? If it is not permissible please advise why with Shar'i evidences so that the matter can be addressed with the proofs in front of us?
Q: It is often said that, for a man in particular, missing 3 Jummah Salahs in a row eliminates him from deen. My question is that living in a foreign country, if someone misses them because there is no Mosque within miles, and the time of Salah clashes with the man's college classes. What does the Shari'ah say in these circumstances? In the namaz, is it not permissible for one to say Bismillah after Surah Fatiha (Before starting the second surah)?
Q: How many rakaats are there in Jumuah including the two rakaats fardh namaz. Because I pray fourteen rakat namaz including 2 farz namaz. I pray 4 sunnat, 2 fardh, 4 sunnats and 2 sunnats.
Q: My job is full time but shift work. I miss jummah once every 3 weeks because of this. The Quran says you can miss jummah if you are not free to go, so am I excused or will I be punished?
Q: In our masjid there is a scholar but he is not an Aalim. He gives the Jummah Khutba in English. Is this allowed? Is the Jummah salaah accepted?