Ascending the mimbar with the right foot
Q: Is it sunnah for the Imam to start ascending the mimbar with the right foot in order to give the Jumuah Khutba?
Q: Is it sunnah for the Imam to start ascending the mimbar with the right foot in order to give the Jumuah Khutba?
Q: Please can you advise if a person's Jumuah Salaah is accepted in the following situations and if not, then how should one make up for it:
1. A person arrives late and the first part of the khutbah has finished?
2. A person arrives late and the khutbah has finished, but manages to join in the first rakaah?
3. A person arrives late and misses the khutbah and first rakaah of Jumuah Salaah?
4. A person arrives on time for the khutbah but does not listen attentively to the khutbah.
5. Please can you advise if the second part of the khutbah is one which is read everywhere and does not change or are their different versions?
1. If I sneeze during the Jummuah Khutbah, must I say 'Alhamdulillah'?
2. If someone else says 'Alhamdulillah' during the Jummuah Khutbah, must I reply to it?
Q: What is the islamic view on those working in Bank and aren't allowed to go for Jumah prayer?
Q: We are an Islamic school in India. We offer Dhuhr salaat in our campus in congregation. Our school plans to start Juma Salaat in the school taking safety and security into consideration so that the students need not go out to the mosque for Namaaz. The nearest mosque is around 200 metres from our school. Can we offer Juma Salaat at our school with proper Khutbah of a Imaam?
Q: My friends and I missed the ju'umah Salaah in the mosque which was at 2:00pm. My friends were almost 15 in number and we decided to pray at the school mosque but we didn't pray zuhr, but jumu'ah and our Imam even made the khutba. I then went home and told someone and he told me that we didn't do the right thing by praying ju'umah instead of praying zuhr. What do you think?
Q: Can we give azaan before zawaal on Fridays?
Q: There are students who cannot attend jumuah Salaah with the masses on normal time. Is it better to arrange jummah Salaah for them a bit later after school classes or they should be encouraged just to perform zuhr Salaah?
Q: If you talk while the Khutbah is on, Is your Jumuah salaah valid? If you read the 4 sunaats while the Khutbah is on, is your Jumuah salaaah valid? If we talk or read four sunaats while the Khutbah is on, must we read the zohr salaah?
1. Can a muqtadi give luqma in the juma khutba if the imam makes a mistake while reading the khutba?
2. Is it necessary/allowed to translate the khutba in one's own language?