Do women have to perform two rakats of Jumuah at home or Zuhr Salaah
Q: On Friday, do women have to perform two rakats of Jumuah at home? Or only zohar namaz?
Q: On Friday, do women have to perform two rakats of Jumuah at home? Or only zohar namaz?
Q: Does a woman have to repeat her 4 Fardh Zohr, if she makes 2 rakaats Jummah with the Imaam?
Q: I work in a school, on Fridays we do Jumma salaat with jam'at. Some people have said that our Jumma is not correct because (a) the general public can't attend the salaat (even though any staff or pupils who wish to pray are able to attend). (b) There are not enough people (we usually get about 10 people besides the Imam).
My question is that is our jumma salaat correct or is it better for us to pray zohar namaz with jamat instead. What is the minimum number of people we need (besides the Imam) for the jumma salaat to be correct?
Q: If a person works & lives on a farm and there in nothing around him but farm land and the closest Jummah Masjid is 20 or 30 km away and he does not own a vehicle. Is Jummah still compulsory for him?
Q: Whilst listening to jumma khutba is it preferable to look down with respect or can one look at the Imaam to listen to his khutba more attentively?
Q: What is the view point on a Muslim who does not read his 5 daily Salaahs and only reads Jummah Namaaz:- If this type of a man owns a Halaal Outlet can this outlet be deemed as Halaal?
Q: Please advise if it is permissible for a muslim business to remain open during the Jumuah Salaah. The reason for remaining open, as stated by the owner, is that the business is generally very busy at that time and the business is run by the non-muslim manager during the time of Jumuah.
Q: Are we allowed to pray Jumu'ah in a church hall, private hall, community hall, etc.?