
Salaatul Haajat

Q: I heard that if one prays two rakaats salaat e Haajat at Tahajud time and in the first rakaat after sura e fatiha one recites Rabbana Ateena
fid dunya Hassanato Wafil Aqirat e Hassanaton Wa Qina Azaabun Naar. Only this Ayat countinously as much as he can if possible 1/2 - 1 hour and do the same thing in the second Rakaat and after finishing the salaat and salaam and recites the same Ayat unlimitedly while sitting and after that he prays for any purpose it will be accepted, when I heard this I decided to recite this Ayat for at least 5 minutes in both Rakaats if I could'nt recites for One hour.  Please Advice me on this. JazakAllah.

Making multiple intentions in Nafil Salaah


  1. In 2 rakaats of Nafl Salaah, is it permissible to make multiple niyyahs for the salaah? Eg. Salatut Taubah, Salatul Haajat and Salaatus Shukar - all for 2 rakaats only. Or is every Nafl Salaah limited to one niyyah alone? 
  2. I am a Hanafee. Once in a while, during my Nafl Salaah that I read alone, usually at home, I make "Rafa' Yadain" with the intention of practising upon the hadith on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar (Radiyallahu Anhuma) in which Nabi (Sallalallahu alayhi wa salam) did Rafa' Yadain, which appears in Bukhari ​Shareef. It is not a constant practise of mines, but rather once in a while, in seclusion, do I practise this. I understand that as Hanafee's it is more virtuous not to do it, but I enquire with regards to permissibility. Can I continue doing this once in a while? If not, were all my past nafl salaah's considered invalid because of this?

Thana and durood in nafil Salaah


  1. Could you please provide a hadith with translation  which proves that Prophet Sallalahu alaihe wasalaam recited durood and duaa in the first Qaidah of sunnat e ghair muakkadah salaah &  Sana in the third rakaah of sunnat e ghair muakkadah salaah as what the Fuqaha mention that the above method  is afdhal?
  2. Is there a hadith which proves that Prophet Sallalahu alaihe wasalaam didn't recite durood and duaa in the first Qaidah of sunnat e ghair muakkadah salaah &  Sana in the third rakaah of sunnat e ghair muakkadah salaah?