
Treating evil eye

Q: As we know some people get evil eye removed from them by using female hair. They do it as such: The woman catches her hair which is tied and moves it up and down in front of the head of the other person and tells people's name whose evil eye might have happened on the person. Then she says that let the evil eye which is on you go to the trees of the forests. Then she recites Surah Naas, Surah Falaq etc.

Jinaayat in ihraam


1. During hajj, on the 12th, if rami is done early in the morning instead of after zohar then what's the kaffarah?

2. If I mistakenly applied soap on my hands in ihram then I washed it quickly but there was still a slight smell on my hands then what's the kaffarah?

3. If 3 or more hairs fall by itself in ihram then what's the kaffarah? Should it be paid in the boundaries if the haram?