
Unable to trace who a payment was received from

Q: I work in the accounts dept of a company. We receive payments into our bank account from customers. Sometimes we receive payments but we cant trace who the money came from. After a few months if no one has come forward to claim the money we give it away in charity. My question is, can I give the money to a fellow employee of the same company who has some loans that they are unable to settle?

Is the answer the same if the employee is owing the loan to the company itself?

Dividends from a non-Shariah compliant investment

Q: A person has an investment in a unit trust from the 1970's. The unit trust was not shariah compliant, and thus included investments in alcohol/gambling based companies, interest based financial institutions, as well as ordinary companies.

1. Is it permissible to utilise dividends received from the unit trust to pay income tax for a business?

2. Is it permissible to offset these dividends received from the unit trust against income tax that is deducted from a persons salary by his employer? If this is permissible, can it be offset against amounts deducted for income tax in previous years (as the dividends were already received then, and tax deducted then), or would it only be permissible going forward (as dividends are received and income tax deducted)?

Doing charitable work in the name of any person besides Allah Ta'ala

Q: Some members in our relatives give food in the name of others (instead of Allah). They tell that the reward of this charity goes to a particular person soul, also some say that we can give food, clothes etc... in the name of prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Is it really true? Some give food after a death of a man (within 3 days and 40 days), some read Quran for their souls to be rewarded, is all of these are permissible? Could you please explain me.