
Taubah after drug abuse

Q: I have committed a great sin. I have taken cocaine, I have drank alcohol and I have smoked marijuana. I regret this immensely. I never want to do it again. I need Allahs help and forgiveness. Can you give me some advice and guidance please.

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: I was a non-Muslim girl with staying with parents. I left my home and parents without any reason. I left my home when my age was 17 and now I am 29 years old. I converted to Islam at the age of 18 and still am. I had stayed alone and still stay alone. I have went through many hurdles in my life and still going on. Many people used me for their benefits. Now a days I don't know why but my Imaan is getting weaker. It is not like that I don't trust Allah Ta'ala or have no more faith but due to my problems and not becoming any good things in life I am getting worried.

There is much more to say but don't know how should I open up as there is no one in my life to share my each good and bad things.


Q: I had a dream that my husband is ditching me and I am hugging my father who had already passed away and I'm hugging him and crying non stop and even before this dream for 3-4 days everyday I see my dead father in my dreams and I hug him and cry.


Q: I'm a housewife with two kids. Since a few years me and my husband had been struggling very hard. I was not at all religious neither my husband, but hardships brought me closer to Allah. Right now this the time when my sabr is about to end, all doors seem closed... the only door that seemed like a ray of hope seems to be getting shut too... While making dua I slept in afternoon and a verse kept on coming to my dream " they plan and Allah plans and He is the best planner" I woke up in between and then slept but this keep on coming in my mind. I'm confused now. Is it a good sign (because I thought some conspiracy was going on) or does it indicates that I should give in to Allah's will, for I have very true believe that Allah will listen to me. I don't just give up on this belief... It doesn't go away although the disappointments just increases. Help me with this... explain it to me... I just don't know who to turn to.

Family problems

Q: My mother is a widower since 18 years. She raised me her daughter and my brother on her own. I am married for seven years now Alhamdulillah. My brother is married for four years. He is involved in drug addiction. He has no child yet. My mum has money and good house but no happiness at all. Life is all scattered. She wants to ask what could be the reason for such situation?

How to feel positive

Q: I am pregnant. I Am happy Alhamdulillaah but also I feel very low at times. Maybe because of my rising hormones. My husband is really caring, still I expect more from him. Please suggest me how to feel better and positive. I do offer my prayers. I pray too but negativity is surrounding me. I was a very positive person. Please help.

Wearing niqaab with decorations


1) Are women allowed to wear niqaab with long flaps and also have decorations on it?

2) Is it permissible to get a piercings on the top part of your ear?

3) If a burqa I've been performing salaah with is only see through in the sun, will salaah be permissible and do I have to make qadha of the salaahs that were performed?

4) Is is correct for women to walk a distance to attend the weekly community ta'leem?

Husband refusing to perform Salaah

Q: I have been married for a year and a half now. The problem is my husband refuses to pray. He used to pray all his five prayers at the beginning, but I don't know what happened. I have tried everything to convince him to pray, but he just wouldn't. I make dua for him everyday, and I don't want to lose hope. We have a son now, and I want him to be a good example for my son. Please advise.