Impurities on the body

Washing dried semen

Q: I had released semen at night which had dried on my private area when I woke up in morning. When I did ghusl, the dried semen was not coming out, even after scratching or rubbing the skin. I left it and completed my ghusl, and offered fajr. This dried semen did not come out until I scratched it again after a week, and even then I think it did not come out completely.

1. Does this dried semen keep me impure?

2. Will I have to repeat the prayers I offered with this?

Touching impure dry items

Q: My husband bought chocolate the other day, the one he bought didn't have alcohol but I noticed some of the chocolates did have alcohol. Since the workers of the shop use one spatula to lift all the chocolates and give it to you, would this make my husband's hands and everything he subsequently touched after touching and eating the chocolate napaak?

Cleaning urine drops from a shoe and one's feet


1. How to make a shoe paak which has urine drops? I put water over it three times. I am not finding anywhere how to make a shoe paak

2. If I wash a chicken for cooking and its blood flows in the wash sink, does it make the wash basin napaak? Also, is it necessary to make a cloth paak if the blood of that chicken sticks on it?

3. If someone gets urine drops on feet and then wash it with soap and pour water on feet twice or thrice, is it sufficient or is there any other way to get it paak? Can the same method of washing be applied if someone gets urine on any other part of the body?

How many times should one wash impurity off one's hands?

Q: I want to ask that if one's hands are very dirty e.g. if urine drops can be seen on one's hands then how many times should the hands be washed. Beyond that limit of washing, will it be a sin. I'm asking this because I'm getting mad day by day as I wash my hands for 20 to 25 times with soap, so it very irritatating to wash so many times as I'm not getting satisfied that my hands are now clean.

Cleaning the blood and pus after bursting a pimple


1. Is it necessary to wash the area from where a blackhead is removed?

2. I often get pimples on my face and other parts of my body I heard that the pus that comes out of the pimple is impure, does it means that I have to wash the area after it came out or just remove it with the help of tissue paper? If it is necessary to wash then if a pimple burst on my right cheek or forehead, how to wash it (just put some water on that area or to wash my whole face). 

3. Sometime blood also comes after the pus and after it stops a white water like fluid comes out what is ruling about it? Do I have to wash it or just use tissue paper to remove it?

4. Often pimple burst while taking ritual bath (Ghusal) What to do then? Sometimes blood or pus takes a lot of time to stop i.e. it keeps coming out in small amounts, what to do then?

Mazi related issues

Q: I am male 15 years. I have sticky skin interior of penis.

1. Mostly when I open my penis I see sticky skin interior of it and very small amount of white liquid deep inside the penis. I don't think bad or something sexual. It may not be madhi or it may be madhi I am not sure. And if this sticky skin which is interior of penis, comes in contact with clothes. stickness of the interior skin maybe due to white liquid mentioned above Will the clothes be impure?

2. Suppose this happened during sujood in a prayer, after praying I noticed no traces of liquid. But I felt my interior skin being sticked to my underwear. Will it effect my prayer or wudu?

3. After the emission of madhi, I try to squeeze out all the madhi left inside the penis. MAYBE SOME MADHI will be inside penis, bcz its not possible to take out 100% of madhi which is inside the penis. Now i wash my penis and testicles with water. After that i see some water at tip of penis. Sometimes it's mixed with madhi, sometimes its only water I am uncertain that madhi is mixed or not. So if i ignore but in reality madhi was mixed, ●will my clothes be impure if that water comes in contact with my clothes? ●WHAT TO DO IN THIS SITUATION? ●IGNORE OR CHECK?

4. After cleaning penis from madhi with water, i wear my cloth and get ready for prayer. Then during prayer, my interior skin of penis gets sticked to my under wear. It maybe due to madhi left inside of the penis or something else, I try to squeeze all the madhi while cleaning , but somewhat maybe left inside. And after prayer if i find no traces of madhi. Note:(It can be madhi and it would have been very less and it was absorbed by cloth which made me not notice it).WHAT SHOULD I DO? ●should i ignore if i find no traces of it even if madhi was emitted?

5. After washing penis after urination with water Interior skin of penis doesn't become dry. I wash the tip of penis, but not the interior skin. THEN IF THE INTERIOR SKIN STICKS TO MY CLOTH, what to do?

6. Is it normal to have sticky interior skin inside of penis? If u say "if u r uncertain ignore, orelse check" then my answer is... It is happening always and i cant say i am uncertain and ignore. What if it was actually madhi only? The liquid is not coming out, rather it stays inside only spread on the interior skin or sometimes deep inside too. THE problem is that this skin sticks to my underwear.