Impurities on the body

The size of the dirham

Q: I want to know about impurity that is equal to one Dirham. As I am in Pakistan, so tell me the size of the coin here. I have searched a lot but I didn't understand clearly. So please tell me in simple words. Also, I am very disturbed due to semen. Bad thoughts come untimely and some liquid comes out, so that Dirham concept applies here? Because I pray five times a day, I can't take a bath again and again. Please help me.


Q: A woman is newly married. Whenever her husband comes in front of her and even in the same room, she feels very nervous. She feels like butterflies in her stomach and tingly sensation in the private area. Some liquid comes out. She is very confused that is this mani or mazi?


Q: Could you please tell me if there is any mistake in my knowledge?

1. All kind of women discharges break wudu

2. You can make new wudu for new salah even before the time for this salah starts having all kind of discharges currently (usual, cold, infection, unknown) except if after 10 days of haidh you are still bleeding (in this case wudu to be done after salah time starts)

3. If during normal days you have reddish or brownish discharges (as during haidh) you still can make new wudu even before salah time starts as it is not the continuation of ones haidh.

4. If you have a spot of discharge on your clothes, should it be always washed away or depending on the size you can still make salah in these clothes? Could you please explain the size comparing it to something?

5. Does urine drops have the same ruling as in 4?

6. If any kind of najasa is dry and I touched it, do I become napaak and have to wash my hands or clothes if I touched it by clothes? Example, if someone didn’t wash hands after touching urine, hands dried and then this person touched me, do I have to go and wash what he touched? The same for all kind of najasa (discharges, blood, semen, etc) – should we wash our skin or clothes touching them when they are dry?

Washing one's hand after cleaning the toilet

Q: I have a western style toilet and one day after urinating and defecating in it, I flushed it. However, because there was a lot of tissue in the bowl, the toilet became blocked and the bowl filled up with water after flushing. I put my arm in this water to try and unblock it. As far as I can remember, the water looked clean. One or two tissues with feces stuck on them remained in the water, however. But as I mentioned, I don't think the toilet water had its characteristics changed. Did my arm become najis when it was immersed in this water? Because I'm unsure that the characteristics of the water were changed after flushing, do I have to assume it was najis as the water was definitely filthy prior to flushing? Please put my heart at ease as I'm worried najasah has been spread.

Doubts regarding urine drops

Q: I have a problem with my bladder. The bladder keeps leaking urine into my private organ. It doesn't come out unless I touch my private organ or if something else touches it like tissue or my underpants. At the moment when I go to the toilet to urinate, I take off the tissue that is around my private organ and throw it away down the toilet then I urinate then I wait a few minutes then I squeeze my private organ a few times then I get some tissue and wipe the tip of my private organ to get rid of any wetness then I wash my private organ a few times then I wait a few minutes for my private organ to dry then I wrap tissue round it then I do wudhu and pray namaz. After I wash my private organ when I'm still sitting on the toilet seat or when I'm getting up or when I'm washing my back impurity then what if my private organ touches the toilet seat or the inner sides of my legs, I don't know if something will come out probably. I just want to know if what I'm doing is right and will my namaz count, if not then what shall I do.

Mazi coming on clothing

Q: I am 25 years unmarried boy, I know what is mani and wadhi and when to do wudhu and ghusl. My question what is the amount of Madhi should be there in order to wash cloths and private parts. I used to work in night shifts and most of times due to cold and sometimes even if I do a bit delay to urine I got madhi but the amount is very less. Its not even area covered by 1 drop of water.It's very small like a fraction of drop. Sometimes I have to look very closely and then I got a shine through which I realise its madhi. Now in this case must I wash my body and cloths or I just to do "wudhu"(ablution) without washing and changing. This is a problem for me as I have to go to washroom and wash myself and change my clothes sometimes twice a day.

Is the dirt found in the corner of the eye napaak


1- Is the liquid substance which collects in the corner of the eye in the mornings and resembles pus najis?

2- If the liquid substance is not najis, I have the following question: I searched wikipedia and it says in some eye diseases the liquid also contains pus. What if we are not sure that we have the mentioned diseases or we are not sure that this liquid contains pus?