Q: Could you please tell me if there is any mistake in my knowledge?
1. All kind of women discharges break wudu
2. You can make new wudu for new salah even before the time for this salah starts having all kind of discharges currently (usual, cold, infection, unknown) except if after 10 days of haidh you are still bleeding (in this case wudu to be done after salah time starts)
3. If during normal days you have reddish or brownish discharges (as during haidh) you still can make new wudu even before salah time starts as it is not the continuation of ones haidh.
4. If you have a spot of discharge on your clothes, should it be always washed away or depending on the size you can still make salah in these clothes? Could you please explain the size comparing it to something?
5. Does urine drops have the same ruling as in 4?
6. If any kind of najasa is dry and I touched it, do I become napaak and have to wash my hands or clothes if I touched it by clothes? Example, if someone didn’t wash hands after touching urine, hands dried and then this person touched me, do I have to go and wash what he touched? The same for all kind of najasa (discharges, blood, semen, etc) – should we wash our skin or clothes touching them when they are dry?