Impurities on the body

Saliva of an alcoholic


1.If a person drinks alcohol is his/her mouth considered impure.

2. If their saliva touches us or something will that thing become impure.

3. If after alcohol someone uses lipstick will the lipstick become impure.

4. If the alcoholic person sleeps on a pillow and drools like their spit comes out in their sleep will the pillow be impure.

5. If their spit touches their hair and we touch the hair will we become impure?

Smell remaining after washing one's hands

Q: I was having a shower and was washing my backside from faeces. I used soap to remove the smell. I then smelt to check the tips of my fingers to check if the smell had been washed off and it had. After I had oiled and dried my body I after an hour or so passed my hand over my nose and smelt something like faeces on my palm. I only checked my fingertips when I had cleaned myself, so I am guessing that it had not been washed properly. I am now worried I have made my whole body and clothes impure.

Dry blood on the head due to psoriasis


1) If a person has severe psoriasis of the scalp that bleeds and dries up, then he makes wudhu as normal, but some dry blood remains on his scalp, would the wudhu be valid?

2) If this person touches the blood as his head is bleeding then wipes it on his kurtha by mistake, makes wudhu and performs salaah in that condition where there is some blood on his kurtha, is the salah valid?


Q: I had a small cut on my finger. There was a little bit of water in the wound but it was not flowing, it was still within the wound. I wiped some cream on the wound and then creamed my body. At the time of wiping I was under the impression that the wound had heeled, but after the cream had dried I noticed there was still water within the wound. Did I spread any najis?

Washing off urine

Q: Does getting urine on one's body require that person to perform ghusl? Because in old age sometimes one gets a few droplets of urine on oneself
without knowing, what should one do in that case?


Q: A person has a rash like eczema on his scalp. Sometimes it bleeds a little. At night unconsciously he scratches it and it bleeds sometimes. Now it is very difficult to know where it bled etc, and at fajr time he simply makes wudhu as normal without washing his head. There may be some dry blood on his head. Is performing salaah in this manner permissible or does he have to wash his head completely every morning to make sure there is no blood? Sometimes for Fajr he has to be the imam of a small musallah when the Imam is not there?