Zakaat on money collected to build a house
Q: If money has been collected with the intention of building a house, then when will zakaat be due on it?
Q: If money has been collected with the intention of building a house, then when will zakaat be due on it?
Q: A husband has custody of the wife's jewellery. They are currently separated - the mother in law had custody of it for 22 years as it was kept as an amaanat but zakat has not been paid on this jewellery.
Q: After one had recited a Sajdah Tilawat aayat, how soon should the sajdah be made? Must it be made immediately or can the sajdah be made at any other time?
Q: I have missed so many salaah during the last 10 years since becoming baaligh. I have no idea how many and cannot estimate. It is a major sin but I don't know how to go about rectifying it. Should I just make qadha for 10 years because it's impossible to calculate?
Also, do I include Witr in my qadha.
Q: A neighbour of mine got a Muslim friend a job in the catering department of her workplace. His job involves ordering food for the canteen. He refuses to deal with pictures or images of non Halaal food but doesn't mind handling it. Is it forbidden to look at non Halaal food?
Q: My step mother is receiving her pension as well as my late father's pension w.e.f. April 2014.
Her 2 daughters are enjoying both her pension to their fullest and subsequently claim that they have the right to do so.
Kindly enlighten me whether their claim is valid as per Shari'a.
Q: Is it permissible to make any form of zikr when one's satr is open. Like wearing a three-quarter trouser where below one's knees is open. What type of zikr can be made with one's satr opened.
Q: 3 weeks ago I came from Pakistan to Riyadh. Now I went from Riyadh to Jeddah to my brothers house but I didn't wear ihram and I didn't take any niyyat for Umrah. I was thinking that I will go for Umrah after 3-4 days. But now my father says that I have to give damm (penalty) because I supposed to go for Umrah first. I am in confusion about this issue.
Q: I would like to enquire if it is permissible to study a diploma in Iridology. It's got to do with diagnosing conditions by looking into a persons eye to detect nutrional deficiencies and conditions etc. Please advise if Iridology is permisible within shariah especially when it comes to our Aqaaid.
Q: A restaurant is owned by a non-Muslim, but the chicken/mutton is supplied by a Muslim. Is the food halaal? Can a Muslim have the food cooked there?