Fulfilling the rights of the second wife

Q: I am a second wife and my husband hasn't lived with me since the day of our walimah. It's been almost a year that we've been married and my husband only comes to me for 2-3 hours a day. In this year, I was also pregnant but the timing of my husband remained the same. Now I want him to stay with me the exact amount of time he didn't spend with me in the last year. 

Wife calling out azaan for a newborn and other sunnats to do when a child is born

Q: My wife is expecting to deliver our baby in a few weeks through caesarean. However, due to covid restrictions, the hospital is not allowing any visitors to bring children so I am unable to leave my young kids with anyone. My question is, can I give azaan and iqaamah to the newborn after the baby comes home after 3 days or is it necessary to give it soon after birth? If I can’t manage to visit then can I give it over the phone through video call?

Also, do I need to feed the new born with dates and honey? Just to lick it?

Can you please let me know what all I need to do Islamically for my new born baby?

Taking out a mortgage to purchase a home

Q: The question is: do we qualify to take up a new mortgage for a new home under the fatwa issued on mortgage for ONE house from the European council for fatwa and research?

The background is that we live in Norway and we own a house (apartment/ flat) of about 76 square meter equivalent to 820 square feet. Two thirds of the mortgage of the current house is paid of.

We have 3 children and we think that the house is too small for us. We are thus thinking of selling this one and taking up a new mortgage to buy a bigger (separate) new house.

As per the fatwa, it is allowed to buy/own ONE house with a bank mortgage. At the same time we don't wish to wage a war against Allah Ta'ala, as it is stated in the Holy Quran, about ribaa.

So do we qualify under this fatwa to do this? Shall we go ahead with our plan? 

Advice for children to learn

Q: Please help me with any dua or wazifa to make the brain strong for reading, understanding and implementing.

1. My 4 year old kid is not learning anything at all and is very stubborn. I believe his mind is not towards studying. Please suggest a wazifa to sharpen his brain to study well.

2. For myself, I am 36 years old and I want an upgrade in my career and want to learn some courses. Please suggest a wazifa so that I can also concentrate on my studies as my brain is also not sharp in studies.

Watching a documentary on Egyptian mummies

Q: A few days ago I was watching a documentary on YouTube about the king of Egypt named Tutankhamun. In this video, the youtuber said that after the death of this king, whoever passes by the mummy of this king, they died after few days. After this people started calling this mummy cursed.

Now some people commented and were asking that they are also in danger or not after they saw this video.

Also, in the video they showed the real pics of this mummy. I know that there is no concept of superstition in Islam. My question is that is this coincidence that people died after passing this mummy ? Not all the people died but some. People feel frightened because they saw real muumuy pics.