Forced Marriage

Q: I have been hearing that a forced marriage isn't valid. What does it actually mean? What if the couple in question have spent 20 years together and have children, after all these years, is their marriage still not valid?

I have basically spent the last 20 years crying continuously and praying to Allah to change my condition. I ask because I was forced into a marriage with a total stranger, moved to the US where I lived with his overbearing family for 10 years and subjected to extreme harassment and neglect from husband and in laws years before buying our own home. Although I begged him to move into a separate home earlier, he refused except for 1.5 years and then moved back to his parent’s home after being convinced by his mother.

My husband did not provide spending money to me from the beginning but handled all finances himself and hardly helped with childcare at home. I was embarrassed to ask him for any money even though I was completely dependent on him. My anger and hurt was too great. Once I started working, I contributed regularly to household expenses and childcare cost completely. Till date, I pay my portion of mortgage fully on car, food and some other bills while he pays for some of the others.

I have never felt taken care of as a wife, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially and I suffered a great deal spiritually for this. Physical intimacy has been minimal to zero from the very beginning as he is not able to perform as a man. We have zero connection emotionally, physically or intellectually and it has been and is just a living arrangement between two people where we each live together with our two daughters and take care of the regular chores to maintain a home. I think he is delusional that this is a marriage.

I have never been able to truly accept this marriage and have always felt that I will apply for divorce once my daughters have completed their bachelor’s degrees. It's not a life I would have chosen for myself, ever, and though I have tried my best to live a conflict free life, things have been difficult between us especially in the beginning. I have learned to emotionally shut off, shut him out and disengage from my husband to the point that I do not talk to him much and mostly when necessary. I've not been able to accept that it's what was written for me. I forgive my parents and I don't want my parents to have any punishments from Allah for this. I can't stand the thought of them suffering in this life never mind the next.

Does this make my marriage invalid? Considering how I truly feel, is it ok for me to wait another 4 years before seeking divorce? 

Using the Ahaadith to prove Covid-19 safety measures

Q: People are always sharing this message on the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) regarding COVID-19. Please advise.

1. QUARANTINE is a Prophetic advice. “Run away from the leper (the one with contagious ailment) as you would run away from a lion.” (Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 608)

2. SOCIAL DISTANCING is a Prophetic command. "Those with contagious diseases should be kept away from those who are healthy." Bukhaari (6771) and Muslim (2221)

3. TRAVEL BAN is a Prophetic teaching. "Do not enter a land where the plague (contagious ailment) has broken out; don’t leave from where it has broken out” Bukhaari (5739) and Muslim (2219)

4. DON'T HARM OTHERS if you have symptoms. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Do not cause harm or return harm.” Sunan Ibn Mājah (2340)

5. STAYING HOME is a Prophetic teaching. “Those who stay at home to protect themselves and others are under the protection of Allah.” Musnad Ahmed, Saheeh

6. If necessary, HOUSE IS A MASJID. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The entire earth has been made a Masjid, except graveyards and washrooms.” Tirmidhi (al-Salaah, 291)

7. THERE'S CURE; patience is the virtue. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said “There is no disease that Allah sent without sending for it a cure.” Bukhari (Volume 7, Book 71, Number 582)

8) Let’s TREAT; ALLAH WILL CURE. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Every disease has a cure. If a cure is applied to the disease, it is relieved by the permission of Allah.” Muslim (2204)

9. FACE MASKING is a Prophetic teaching. Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) while sneezing, would cover his face with his hand or with his garment,” Abu Dawud; Tirmidhi (Book 43, Hadith 2969), Saheeh

10. WASH HANDS every time you enter home. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Cleanliness is half of faith.” Muslim (223)

11. HOME QUARANTINE is a Prophetic advice. “The plague (contagion) patient who remains in his home with patience and expectation of reward, knowing that nothing will befall him other than Allah’s decree will attain the reward or a martyr.” Musnad Aḥmad, Saheeh also Bukhaari (2829) and Muslim (1914)

Customers returning gas cylinders with some gas inside to a gas distributor

Q: I am a LP gas distributor. We supply retail and wholesale customers. We collect empty cylinders from the customers which are then exchanged for full cylinders. Customers only pay for the gas inside the cylinder. Sometimes customers return cylinders that still have gas inside for exchange. We are able to ask the retail customers if they want to return cylinders that still have gas inside as this is a loss to them. Most of them are fine with the loss. However, it is impossible to check with the wholesale customers as the cylinders are returned first to the wholesaler who then returns them to us. As a result we receive an average of 250-350 kg free gas per month.

1. Can we re-sell this gas that comes back from the customers?

2. If it is not permitted, what should we do regarding our past sales from this 'free' gas?

3. The retail store is run entirely by non-Muslim staff. Is it permissible for the shop to remain open during Jumuah?