Doctor charging patients for a sick note if they are not sick

Q: In a GP practice, patients come often for a sick note without being actually sick. Most will say they are tired and need a day or two off. Some practitioners charge for a sick note as a business transaction. 

Is it permissible to rather consult the patient and do a general check up (blood pressure and sugar) and give multi vitamins and then give the note or is it not permissible at all?

Writing an essay about the Sahaabah as a captives of Badr

Q: I am in an Islamic institution and students were given a task to write an essay in the first point of view of a captive of Badr and the Sahaabahs treatment to them and the captives feelings and thoughts regarding the Sahaabah. Students were given creative freedom and encouraged to use their imagination, as accuracy was not the main focus of the task. However, a few concerns were brought to attention. 

Students were concerned that as they had to write in the point of view of a Kaafir, they would have to write unpleasant things about the Sahaabah and Islam. Another point of contention was that since it was purely fictional, they could make up stories about the Sahaabah and their treatment towards the captives, as well as the inaccurate living situations of the captives. Is this task permissible?

Building a structure on the grave

Q: Please advise: 

The Qabrs of Ambiya عليهم السلام, Awliyaa of the past رحمهم الله تعالى etc. especially overseas are built upon. Is this something permitted in other mazahib? Is this something that should be rectified? 

Someone had seen this link as well and was inquiring if this is a website that is reliable.…

Listening to songs or watching videos wherein there are kufr statements


1. If someone goes to an Asian wedding wherein some of the songs playing at the event, there are one-two lines of kufr in the songs but the person doesn’t listen to the music with the intention of listening to kufr or enjoying kufr and he hates it in his heart, does this constitute kufr? 

2. Likewise with a movie, if you watch a movie and there’s a few lines of kufr or one or two scenes of kufr and someone doesn’t watch it with the intention of watching or listening to kufr and they hate it with their heart, does this constitute kufr?

PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatment for hair growth

Q: There is currently a hair growth treatment that is being offered for people who suffer from serious hair loss. 

In the treatment, blood cells are taken from a person with healthy hair (not your blood cells but from someone else). These cells are then genetically modified in a lab and mixed with a serum which is applied onto your head. They then do micro needling which allows the serum to get into your scalp. 

During the process of the treatment, you are also required to use a minoxidil spray every night. 

Is the above treatment permissible to use?

Trading on a crypto exchange group

Q: I have a question about a certain crypto exchange group called “mega”. Basically it’s a group that trades in a platform called “2139 exchange”. Me and my friends group joined this group because we did our research and we didn’t find anything haraam concerning it. But now I’m having some doubts. 

Basically a certain individual studies the market and predicts the direction of a certain currency and makes profits through the price fluctuations. The participants can join the trade through a futures feature and get a profit but he takes a percentage also when the participants withdraw their profits he also takes a percentage. So I want to know if it’s halaal or haraam because I heard some people saying it’s like gambling.