Pulling the wishbone on Thanksgiving

Q: There is a tradition on thanksgiving where 2 people pull the wishbone of a turkey and whoever is left with the bigger part of the bone that persons wish will come true. I know celebrating thanksgiving is not allowed and I know that only Allah grants things, but if I pull the wishbone with my cousin not with the intention of getting my wishes come true but with the intention of just having fun, is it kufr?

Making taqleed of one darul iftaa

Q: Kindly advise me on the following:

have been taught that to make Taqleed is Waajib in terms of Fiqh related matters, that is why we make Taqleed of the 4 Imaams.

Due to multitude of Fitan that are present in the Ummah today, is it Waajib to make Taqleed of a fatwa department or 1 of any of the organisations Or what should be done?

Hajj for a person in debt

Q: I have question regarding Hajj. I have taken a loan from my father in 2018 of $65,000 for home purchase in order to avoid interest bearing transactions. Terms we decided were that I will pay when I have the ability to pay back and Alhamdulilah I have been paying back on a monthly basis and have reduced the remaining amount to $19000.

I have $70000 in 401K, cash balance around $8000. I own 50% of the house with my brother and a car (resale approx $5000 value).

My question here, is Hajj Fard on me right now?

If I decide to save for Hajj right now if Allah wills then it might be possible to save enough for Hajj (it might be possible that I may not be able to save enough or visa/qouta issue). But my loan from my dad will be still $19000. What should be my priority to first complete? If Hajj is not fard then can I go for Umrah?

Explanation of the Hadith "women are weaker mentally"

Q: There is an authentic hadith I believe in Sahih Bukhari that many critics of Islam quote where the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is explaining as to why a woman’s testimony is half to that of a man. As I mentioned these critics imply that Islam insults and degrades women by calling them deficient in intelligence, and to prove their point they use this hadith. In this era when feminism narrative is getting aggressive how do we respond to such assertions of our religion’s critics.

Can you please explain what is the accurate meaning of this hadith?

Are we as Muslims supposed to advocate women is intellectually deficient as critics of islam claim?

Sadly I have seen cases myself where practicing muslim youth have come to declare that they have issues with shariah perhaps might be committing kufr because of such actions. I do not want the same happening within my own family and children. I believe we can only strengthen iman of our families and prevent apostasy within muslim community if we are intellectually prepared to deal with ideological challenges.

I will await your clarification to my questions above.