Discharge after Haidh

Q: I continuously get a discharge (from yellow to white) after haidh. What must I do if I feel the discharge during Salaah? Should a break the Salaah and renew my wuduh? How much liquid has to be discharged in order for the wuduh to be broken? What is the minimum time that one can be considered a ma'zurah?

Delaying in paying the Dowry

Q: If during the nikah, the wife gave the groom a specified amount of time to give the dowry. Example: The wife gave the groom till August 28th to give Dowry of $300. Since then the groom has put the money into a non-interest savings but the couple needed to take from the savings to make ends meet. The total amount put into savings exceeds the $300 dowry. Is the marriage still valid if $300 isn't given to the bride by august 28th?