Taking weight loss capsules that contain gelatine

Q: I would like to ask about taking medicine which contins gelatine in them. Currently I have to take some weight loss capsules to lose weight. These capsules contain gelatine. It does not say what kind of gelatine it is or from which animal it comes from? This medicine is manufactured in the UK. I would like to know If I can take this medicine knowing that it has gelatine in it? Am I allowed to take this medicine to lose weight?

Push present

Q: I wanted to know about "push present" which is a gift from a husband to his wife for her giving birth of the child. It is usually called "push present" because the wife pushes the baby out. Is a push present allowed in Islam? The wife usually expects a gift from the husband because she has suffered nine months and labour as well. Is it ok for her to seek a gift from her husband?

Sniffing water in wudhu


1. In ghusl, do we have to sniff water into the nose or will pouring suffice?

2. I have read that “Istinshaaq” means taking water into the nose and breathing it into its backmost part. I have also read that according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah) Istinshaaq is obligatory in ghusl and Istinthaar is desirable. (Durre Mandhuud p.167 & p.279 v.1)

Duas not getting answered

Q: I am tired of all. I ask dua but they were never get answered. For the past 3 years nothing was answered. But I never lost hope. I ask again but nothing happened. So nowadays my Imaan is becoming worst. Does Allah love me? Because my duas never get accepted. Those who never do any amal, they are living happily. My life is getting worst day by day. Allah said in Quran "For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." I believe these words. But it never happened in the last 3 years!

Verification of an aayat

Q: On the night of Miraj, I was told by my teacher that our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was followed by a jinn or Shaytan, and that the angel taught Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) a few words to recite to remove the bad jinn. Is the verse in the Quran? I was told to recite this powerful dua to protect myself.

Contemplating suicide

Q: I've suffered from depression, and I've realized I am still depressed. I am 19 and I live in Spain. All my friends and the other teens I know spend the summer in the swimming pool, in the beach and traveling (my brother who is 18 too), but I can't. Because I am a Muslim, I can't wear bikini so I can't spend time with them in the sea, and what's more I can't swim (which is my favourite hobby). Since I've had the period, I've spent every summer alone in my bedroom dreaming about going to swim with my friends. I love Islam but I want to wear a bikini, swim with my friends and spend the night with them as well. I am unhappy now. I've thought about doing it, but I can't because my parents are going to realize it since my skin will get darker if I do it. And I can't ask them If I can do this, because for a Muslim, that will be one of the worst things ever for a father to let his daughter wear inmodest clothes. I am a good person, I study at college and I've never hurt anyone. The last year I tried to commit suicide, but I decided to wait and I've realized the wait wasn't worth it. I know this is the last summer I am going to be here because I've decided to commit suicide to stop the pain I am feeling every day. Every teen is enjoying the summer, while I am spending it crying and I am tired of it. I just wanted to ask you what you think, can a Muslim girl wear a bikini in this situation (if she doesn't wear it she could commit suicide)? Thanks and sorry for explaining my life.