Making dua to marry a specific person
Q: Is it right to ask Allah for the love of a person yiu want to marry, with pure intentions? If it is, is there any specific dua or amal for it?
Q: Is it right to ask Allah for the love of a person yiu want to marry, with pure intentions? If it is, is there any specific dua or amal for it?
Q: My husband is away. He's living in Saudia and I'm living in Pakistan. I'm in nikaah and rukhsati is not helding yet. But my husband ask me for sending him private pictures. I'm not sure that's permitted in Islam or not? Please tell me.
Q: Nowadays im getting thoughts, which I think are waswas. I'm thinking that is there any chance that we have interpreted the Quran in a different manner than what was intended by Allah. I personally think that it isn't so and this is just a waswasa
Q: I have said to my wife on telephone call "that I divorce you". This is the first time I said this.
1: Can I take back my divorce without intercourse as she is in a different country and we cant meet now? So can I take back verbally only?
2: My wife is a doctor, so during iddat can she work as a Doctor in her country?
3: Me and wife live in seperate countries so can she do her iddat in her own country or is it necessary that she lives with me during iddat?
Q: My son shaves his face fully due to his job, so does his prayers get invalid.
Q: My sister got divorce from her husband few days back, but she is 7 month pregnant. So kindly give fatwah if pregnant women can be divorced or not. She and her husband have not touched each other since last 5 months.
Q: What are the names of the Sahaaba that completed the Quran shareef in one sitting.
Q: A muslim unmarried girl has affairs with multiple hindu boys for several years secretly and her family is not aware. Now her family is getting her married to a muslim boy. She says that she has realized now that she did wrong and would like to do Tawbah. Can she repent now? Will her repentance be accepted? And now how can she repent?
Q: Would it be makrooh to keep one of the six fasts of Shawwal on a Friday without a fast before it?
Q: If a woman has menses or haiz for 6 days. On day 7 she sees some white discharge, assuming that her menses is over she takes Ghusl. But at night she sees a slight yellow discharge on the underwear. Will she have to perform Ghusl again in order to become paak?