Permissible method of purchasing a car from the bank

Q: If one buys a car using the following method will it be permissible:

ABC person tells the bank to purchase the car from a dealer. A purchase & sale agreement is done between the dealer and the bank. Just say the bank buys the car for 100000 and then a purchase and sale agreement is made between the bank & I, that I purchase the car from the bank for 120000 fixed regardless of changes to the haraam interest rate. Theres 2 separate transactions. Will this type of deal be permissible?

Wearing shoes that have a “won ang” duck on it

Q: Is it permissible to wear shoes that have a “won ang” duck on it? A won ang duck is a symbol in Korean culture which is given to a husband and wife and symbolizes unity between that couple. I know partaking in this culture is imitating the kafir, but I was wondering if I could wear shoes that have a little picture of this kind of duck solely for the looks of the shoe. Most people who look at the shoe will not know what it symbolizes. The shoe itself is not apart of the culture, rather a normal shoe anyone can buy.

Issuing three talaaqs when the nikaah was not consummated

Q: I wanted to ask regarding a person who got married to a woman and didn't have relations or spent time in seclusion with his wife and went to America. He did, however, touch her with lust.

After a year, he says that he, in his full senses is giving her Talaq, talaq, talaq.

What is the maslah regarding the amount of talaqs and iddat regarding this woman.

Writing fantasy books

Q: For over five years, I have been struggling with a strong desire to write books. However, these books revolve around fantasies and stories that may be morally objectionable, yet entertaining for others. It is also possible to earn money from such books. On the other hand, whenever I attempt to write books about Islam and promoting good behavior, I find myself getting bored and unable to proceed.

I am seeking reassurance that writing fantasy books of this nature is forbidden, as it would help me find peace. Additionally, I hope you can provide me with relevant Quranic verses that describe my predicament.

Feeling depressed over other people's wealth and comforts

Q: I am married. We are financially not fantastic with both of us working with 3 kids. We live with my parents. We bought an investment and sold it off but covid came and we could not repurchase a home. Now things are expensive, it's hard to get by even on two incomes. Family and friends all around me seem to be financially killing it, bought homes, have good jobs, can afford to send kids to good schools.

I feel resentment for ever getting married, listening to my parents and having kids. I feel anger towards my husband for not being financially settled and mapping out and striving for a better financially secure future. How can I get rid of these thoughts and feelings. I try being grateful and just working hard and praying but around me someone or another will mention their recent good job or house purchase or financial gains and I will go back to the bad thoughts.