Saving money to perform umrah or hajj
Q: I would like to find out if I have funds to perform umrah, should I do it or should I continue saving until I have enough money to perform my first hajj?
Q: I would like to find out if I have funds to perform umrah, should I do it or should I continue saving until I have enough money to perform my first hajj?
Q: I have recently inserted a copper IUD which is causing me to bleed very slightly. I am 47 years old, with 4 children and have used the copper IUD for many years. My doctor tells me that it is normal to bleed slightly like this after copper IUD insertion and it can take up to 4 or 6 months for my body to adjust. Since this is not my period I considered my condition to be that of istihaada. I was washing myself every time and making a fresh wudu every time. But if this is going to take several months or even weeks, should I continue to make fresh wudu and wash myself all the time? What do I do if my period doesn't return within some time? Please advise
Q: Is it permissible for a female doing Hifz to memorise new sabaq or do dhor during her haiz without touching the actual pages of the Quraan Shareef?
Q: Is it permissible for a girl to dress up and act as a male while doing a play in Madrasah?
Q: My car caught alight this morning and was completely burnt. I had R5000 worth of gift cards in the car which were gifted to my 6 month baby when she was born. I have now lost those in the fire and would not be able to redeem it. Do I owe my child that money?
Q: Some books mention that one should recite Surah Qadr after wudhu. Example Talimul haq, practical salah by Talimi Board.
Q: I do bodybuilding. Is it permissible for me to post my physique on social media as I heard from someone that it is being arrogant and so it is haraam.
So is it permissible for me to post my physique pics and videos on insta which show my muscle (if I am covering my awrah; navel to knee)?
Q: Most of the time, I feel during Salah, I didn't do sujood or didn't recite Surah Fatiha, or didn't say tashahhud or didn't pray complete rakaats so I most of the time do Sajda Sahw. Am I doing it correct?
Q: After praying Fajr, can we offer nafl or do we have to wait after sunrise?
Q: I’ve heard from many people that all our sins will be presented in front of everyone. Is this true? As Allah سبحانه وتعالى is known as السّتّار