Zindagi me kaamiyaabi ke liye dua
Q: Zindagi mai kamyabi ke liye dua bataye please?
Q: Zindagi mai kamyabi ke liye dua bataye please?
Q: I said to my husband that I want to go to my mothers house because I did not go to her house for 1 month. He said ok go but come back after two days. I said no I'll come after a week. He said that if you don't come in two days then always stay at your moms house. I asked him about his intention and he said that he did not intend divorce. I want to ask if divorce will take place if I stay at my moms house for more than two days?
Q: I have 3 kids but I am jobless since 3 years. I dont know whats happening with me, its kind of thinking again and again of the past and regretting. I am not confident enough to do anything. Can you please suggest some duas and amal to get rid of these situations.
Q: Is the Qunoot Fard in Esha and Fajr Salaah?
Q: Is Anushka a proper name to give a Muslim girl and what is the meaning?
Q: My husband lives abroad and spends money on his parents and siblings. He says that he can't afford my visa and tickets. Is it my right to live with him? Its been two years and I have a son. My question is, who has more right on my husbands money, his parents and siblings or me?
Q: Can someone carry a baby whose hair is yet to be cut?
1. If my husband gives me 1 talaq. What is the iddat period of it?
2. Can I come again in the nikah after the iddat period?
3. Where do I have to sit in iddat, my husband's house or my father house?
4. Will 1 talaq which was sendt by post be valid without any witnesses?
Q: Evil thoughts starts coming when I watch movies, so I stopped watching it, but is it shirk if I I watch because the thoughts are still coming. Like if I watch again it will be like I am letting shaithaan make me do sin and shirk, but that's not my thought. So is it shirk if I watch a movie with this mindset?
Q: Can I wear my contact lenses during the 5 days of hajj or even umrah for that matter? I do have weak eyesight but my contacts are coloured.