Eating fruits injected with growth regulators
Q: If haraam growth regulators are injected into fruits after harvesting them (to make them bigger), will they come under the heading of Tabdeel-e-Maahiyyah, and will such fruits be halaal to consume?
Q: If haraam growth regulators are injected into fruits after harvesting them (to make them bigger), will they come under the heading of Tabdeel-e-Maahiyyah, and will such fruits be halaal to consume?
Q: Please advise if children are allowed to play outside during zawaal time, zohr azaan and asr azaan.
If they are allowed, does their hair need to be covered when they are outside during these times?
I am asking about kids that are not baligh yet.
Q: My mother and father are separated and I live with my father. I am 16 years old. If my father tells me that I can't go to my mother for holidays will it be permissable for me to go without his permission?If I go to my mother for holidays without my father's permission will I be sinful?
Q: As a Muslim, one should maintain contact with relatives. But what if the relatives do not have adab and akhlaq or are not interest in holding contact with me? What should I do about this?
Q: Some say that it is not good to get information about Islam via the internet. Should I perhaps stop asking questions via email for this reason?
Q: Should one ask forgiveness for a sin if one is unsure whether one has committed the sin at all?
Q: Did the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) work every day of the week? Or was there a day in the week when they rested, pursuing other activities?
Q: A couple used to live in the wife's house. The husband divorced the wife. Will the wife be allowed to spend her Iddat at her mother's house? If she does spend her iddat at her mother's house, will the husband be required to give her nafaqah for the iddat period?
Q: I am doing online work. The process of this work is that they have websites where we can work. They have the process that first we have to choose the package. I have chosen a package of 1000 rupees. It is a silver package. I have to see ads daily. One ad for one day. 1 ad will give me 60 rupees. This package is valid for 30 days. I will make 1800 rupees from there by watching ads daily on this website. After a month I can withdraw this amount in my easy paisa account. They cut out some service charges and give me 1700 or something. So I wanna know that if this money is halal for me or haram?
Q: If a Hanafi performs salaah behind a shaafi imaam, and the shaafi imaam recites the aayat of sajdah on the last page of surah hajj (which is an aayat of sajdah according to the shaafis and not the hanafis), then the shaafi imaam goes into sajdah and the Hanafi muqtadi follows him in sajdah, then what is the status of the hanafi muqtadi’s salaah? Is his salaah valid or does he have to repeat his salaah?