Sending a kissing emoji to one's wife in the state of ihraam

Q: On 8 Zul Hijjah in the state of ihram, while chatting with my wife, I sent my wife a kissing emoji with good night message in a mobile, as I usually send to my wife when we chat. I sent it to her just in a normal chatting way, not by lust, she was also in the state of ihram, but she was in next tent to me.

My question is, is there is damm of a badana? Or my hajj is complete or invalid?

Forgetting to remove one's leather socks (khuffain) before 24 hours

Q: I use khuffain regularly in winter and I usually always remove it before 24 hours are up before using them again.

Recently I forgot exactly when my wudhu broke after I put the khuffain on. Since I made wudhu and put the socks on after Asr, it was perhaps after I read my Asr Salaah that my wudhu may have broken. I made masah on them thereafter till the next day. The next day I forgot to take out the khuffain, I made wudhu with masah on them to read Maghrib. My wudhu broke after this so I again made wudhu with masah on the khuff preparing to read Esha. I realised my error, but it was too late for me to make full wudhu to read Maghrib again. So I simply washed my feet, put the khuff on again and read Maghrib again just as Esha time set in.

1. Will my Maghrib Salaah be valid or do I have to repeat it?

2. I read Quraan in this time with that wudhu. Would I have been sinful? Should I read those surahs again (Yaseen, Sajdah)?

Moving to a non-Muslim country to study

Q: I live in a Muslim country. Can I move to Italy which is a non-Muslim country to acquire an mbbs degree and practice medicine? It is neccessary to state that this mbbs degree and practicing medicine is also possible in my Muslim country. I just want to move there due to the extra facilities. So is it permissible to move to Italy knowing that haraam is freely available there?

Recording interest transactions as part of one's work

Q: I have a contemporary business question to inquire about.

Would it be permissible to apply for work at a company that deals with various financial schemes if:

The company sells clothing and furniture and offers various financial services for its customers such as credit purchases, lay-by's, higher purchases, loyalty programs for monthly fees and so forth.

Customer will make use of these financial scheme services that are offered to allow them paying less at one time but the consequences of not paying cash incur interest which happens to many.

The work I would be doing is directing calls, working in despatch during certain hours and the rest in, reconciliating ledgers and providing debtors and creditors list regularly, in line with their financial scheme pay back plans which makes part of the work to record interest that is owed to and paid for by the customers.

I would like to know the Islamic perspective on whether or not it will be permissible for me to work and earn halaal money from the company for the services I will render? Or should I find work that does not involve recording of interest.

Incident of a Sahaabi's mill producing flour on its own

Q: When in jamaat, I heard this story being narrated in the bayaans often, under the quality of salaah. The story is as follows:

A Sahaabi (radhiyallahu anhu) had no food in his home. He then went to the masjid and read 2 rakaats of salaah and returned home. He found that there was still no food, and then returned to the masjid to read another 2 rakaats of salaah and returned again to still find no food. For the third time he done this. On his return after the third time, he found that the mill was producing flour on its own. He filled all the containers in his home, and then opened the mill and it stopped making flour.

When he reported the incident to Rasoolullaah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), Rasoolullaah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) told him that if he did not open the mill, it would have continued making flour until the day of qiyaamah.

I want to find out if the above story is authentic.