Befriending non-Muslims and buying haraam food for them

Q: At work with non-Muslims, my colleagues wanted to eat with me and I volunteered to buy the food. They asked me if it is ok if they get pepperoni pizza and I said it is fine. Later I asked them to just go ahead and order so I would not pay for their haraam food.

Since I first said “it was fine” is that kufr because I was too weak to explain to them that I don’t buy haraam food? I feel like I need to redo my Nikah and Hajj.

Distributing properties of an estate according to share of inheritance

Q: Our father passed away recently leaving behind one house, 3 plots, 2 shops and 2 flats. We, the 6 baligh heirs (one widow, one brother and 4 sisters) want to distribute the wirasat in such a way that the worth of each property will be calculated and each heir will keep the property that falls within his/her share. E.g brother has a share of 50 lakh, and sister has a share of 25 lakh. So each one will keep the shop/flat or plot that is of the same worth. Is it permissible?

Imaan of a person who passed away while supporting the LGBTQ+ movement publicly

Q: If someone asks me regarding Jesse Duarte...and I say she passed away a murtaddah in terms of shariah and if the claim that she read kalimah is true then it is Allah's perogative to forgive or punish her. Did I say the correct thing?

When I tell people she passed away a murtaddah, people tell me that I should not judge...but theres clear cut evidence she supported the LGBTQ+ movement publically in which she stated that we must change our thought process.

My father tells me that if anyone asks, I should say Allah knows best. According to senior Aalims they say that she passed away a murtaddah and if she repented, that is between Allah and her. Please advise respected mufti saheb.