Ruling of wudhu due to vaginal discharge


1. May I know all the different types of vaginal discharges and their wudhu/ghusul/najasah ruling according to shariah? Cervical mucus is a normal part of every girl’s monthly cycle and most days in the month she will normally have cervical mucus. This cervical mucus is of varying thickness, opaqueness and stretchability depending on how close or far she is from ovulation. Is this normal cervical mucus discharge what is called “mazi”?

2. I would like to know if wudhu remains or not if the cervical mucus does not exit the private part — it stays within the lips and you can also feel that there is some slippery/wet cervical mucus INSIDE the lips, but it has not exited the lips yet.

3. I was told that wudhu does not break if the fluid does not exit the lips. However, I was reading behishti zewar (وضوء توڑنے والی چیزوں کا بیان) and here is what it says:

مسئلہ ۳۶: پیشاب یا مذی کا قطرہ سوراخ سے باہر نکل آیا لیکن ابھی اس کھال کے اندر ہے جو اوپر ہوتی ہے تب بھی وضوء ٹوٹ گیا۔

What does this mean? I am still confused about if mazi is the normal cervical fluid.

4. I do not know what a wet dream is.

Secular education

Q: What is the role of secular studies in Islam or what is the stance of Islam on secular or dunyawi education?

1. Is it permissible, is it recommended, is it a haqq of a Muslim, is it of any any benefit or harm?

2. Should a man get dunyawi education and should a woman get dunyawi education, and upto what level?

Feeling despondent and hopeless

Q: I am suffering with a lot of pressure and I also have alot of problems. My family is not that family who has peace. We will never have peace only if Allah wills.

I lost two of my friends, meaning they stopped talking to me. I feel like I did something wrong which I didn't. They make me feel unworthy to live. I feel ugly. I feel like nobody loves me anymore. I don't know what to do please help me as I might just kill myself.

Muqtadi making salaam immediately after the imaam makes salaam

Q: Should a muqtadi make salaam after the Imaam has completed both sides salaam or should he make salaam afer the Imaam turns his head towards the right and then after the Imaam turns his head to left the we follow the Imaam, as we normally do?

Some people in Saudia told me that I should wait until the Imaam is done with salam on both sides then make salaam. Which method is correct?