Paying zakaat in kind in place of cash

Q: My question is regarding zakaat. I work in a retail clothing company and my boss tends to miss zakaat payments due to cash flow reasons. Alhamdulillah his business is good and intentions are clear. Due to the nature of his business, he needs to hold lots of physical stock of clothes. Someone advised him that he can pay clothes as zakaat if he has cash flow issues. My questions are:

1. Can he pay his zakaat in clothes instead of cash?

2. If yes, can he clear off his OLD STOCK, and at what value - the value at the time of production, the value at the time of purchase or the sales value?

Killing monkeys who have become violent

Q: Monkeys are becoming a big problem in our area, where they are even attacking children and adults if they think the person has any food on them. They are not scared when chasing away is attempted.

Is it permissible to shoot and kill them, if this problem is persisting?

Although it is a big problem, as the troop sizes keep increasing, authorities dont acknowledge any problem.

Will women see Allah Ta'ala?

Q: I read that there is a difference of opinion whether women see Allah Ta'ala. Some say that they don't see Him at all and some say that they see him but see Him less than men. Is there any evidence that women may not see Allah Ta'ala at all or see Him less than men?

Why are all scholars in agreement that men see Allah Ta'ala but they disagree if women will see Him. Does that mean that a man who committed many sins but after being in hell was admitted to paradise is better than a woman who did not make major sins, as he gets to see Allah Ta'ala more than her and she may not see Allah Ta'ala at all or see Him less?