Slaughtering exotic animals whose meat is of an inferior quality for qurbaani

Q: I wanted to find out with regards to the size and type of animal for qurbaani. Every year in our house we slaughter lambs (good quality, lovely animals) however in the recent years some family members have been saying that we should get exotic animals, most of these are just for the looks and alot of the time the meat is of an inferior quality.

I wanted to know is there any extra thawaab with regards to slaughtering a bigger/stronger/exotic animal in the eyes of Allah Ta'ala.

Doing a blood test during the first ten days of Zul Hijjah

Q: I have a question regarding the first ten days of Zul Hijjah.

I'm going to perform qurbaani inshallah and I heard that I can't cut my hair and nails for 10 days before qurbaani. I have an appointment to give blood for testing and I was wondering if this is permissible or is it haram like cutting hair and nails in the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah ?

When should azaan and tahneek be done after a child is born?


1. What is the most preferred method in the following situation.

After birth, when should the adhaan and tahneek of the baby be done
a. Before the cord is cut.
b. After the cord is cut, before the bath.
c. After the baby is given a bath and the cord is cut.

2. Should both the adhaan and tahneek be done simultaneously according to the most preferred method?

Copyright for images

Q: I am editing a kitaab where I have placed different titles in arabic (Alayhis salaam, Radi-Allahu-Anhu etc.) after the names of the Sahaabah, Prophets and Angels etc. Most of them came standard with the software I use however it was missing one which was Radi-Allahu-Anhaa, to be used after A'isha. I found a suitable arabic image for it online but I would like to know should I ask the owner of the documents permission before using this image ? I'm not taking any information from the document itself just the arabic title itself as it is difficult to find a nice image otherwise.