Stepson inheriting from stepmother

Q: I have a son whose mother died and I got remarried with a lady having three adult children from her first husband. The eldest son lives with his father and the girls 22 & 19 years live with me as they were not ready to live with their father. I do not have any children from my second wife. I am giving some of my property to to my second wife.

My question is who will inherit this property when she dies (May Allah give her long life Ameen). Will it go to her son? Or it will revert to my son

Husband preventing wife from visiting her mother

Q: I miss my mother alot. My husband, due to his issues with extended family, is living in the same house and does not take me to visit my mother. He does not allow me to stay with her. He is keeping me away from my mother. I don't feel loved here and I am trying to build relations here but my mother is also very sickly and she misses me as well.

I know that I have to obey my husband but it gets very tough as he goes to his mother house whenever he wants and sometimes I'm alone and get depressed. He visits his parents for about 3 days in a week. He does allow my mum to come over but she is not very comfortable. Please advise me. 

Is a government payout after the demise of a person part of the estate?

Q: My father has passed away recently. He was working in a government school and was supposed to get a lump sum and a pension fund after he retired. He passed away before he could get the lump sum and pension fund. After the person passes away, the government pays this to the spouse or children. Does the money go into inheritance or does it go directly to the wife and daughters.

This is the summary of what the government pays out: The GEPF also pays annuities to qualifying surviving spouse(s) or orphan(s) of members who die while in service or after retiring.

Death while in service: The benefit paid is based on the member’s period of pensionable service. It is payable to the beneficiaries of the deceased member or, if there are no beneficiaries, to the member’s estate.

Mother stopping son from bringing his wife home after nikaah

Q: In sha Allah I'll be getting married to a girl I love 2 days from now. We did not date or hangout because we knew it was haraam. We got our families in touch and they have agreed to marry us. However my mother decided that I am not ready to bring her home because I am not that financially strong. (I live in Pakistan, I make 2000 USD a month, I am 23, I am quite well off compared to everyone my age and a huge percentage of adults).

They also said that we can't bring the girl home unless I pay 25000 USD for a grand event. The standard 3 day wedding in our country.

I really need your guidance as to what I should do. I love this girl and I want to hang out with her. My mother says that I can't even hang out with her after nikkah. And I should wait one year to bring her home and then meet her. This all sounds and feels so stupid and painful. My mother has no real logical reason to do this. Please tell me what to do? I'm already working so hard and did my best to always stay halaal.

Women enjoying exclusive favours in Jannah

Q: I always got amazed when reading about Friday markets in Jannah and what happens there and it got me wanting to do good deeds to enter paradise. However, I read somewhere that only men go to Friday market and women don't. The description of Friday market is very amusing and wants everyone want to be there but I feel heartbroken that even if I make it to paradise I won't be able to get there purely because I am a female. Why don't women get a Friday market? If Friday markets are only for men, then what do women get?