Faking an accident and claiming from the insurance company

Q: A while back a friend invested in a car but got financially stuck and became maqrooz of many people. Another friend of his suggested to insure the car via Takaful and get the money through them.

So the process would go like this, for a while the car was insured and then after 3 or 4 months they faked an accident and lodged a claim. During this process they had to lie about the accident and where and how it took place. The insurance accepted the claim and gave them the sum of the car.

Now I want to know if this money is halal for them or not?

Finding fault with the imaams of the masjid

Q: There's a few brothers in a masjid who usually don't like when any scholars from different localities come to their masjid, when jamaat comes and even their own Imaams. They find fault in them. For example, they say that one person is reading too fast, another is making ruku and sajdah too long and they only come when the Imaam has to go on the mimbar for the khutbah.

Will their Salaah be accepted like how they don't appreciate their Imaams? Please advise as to what the normal brothers can do and also what the Imaams can do.

Buying properties in the metaverse

Q: A new virtual world like the real world has been created and I think it's called metaverse. On the virtual earth, we are allowed to buy properties and plots of lands or famous landmarks around the world. We can even buy Makkah and Madina. Thus we will be the owner of those places in the virtual world. You can sell it later at higher prices.

Are we allowed to do such purchase properties that are virtual, non-tangible with real money?