Investing in shares
Q: I have just graduated from metric and I intend investing my money in shares. Please inform me as to which investment companies (oasis, old mutual, al-baraka etc) I can purchase unit trusts from, which are halaal and suitable?
Q: I have just graduated from metric and I intend investing my money in shares. Please inform me as to which investment companies (oasis, old mutual, al-baraka etc) I can purchase unit trusts from, which are halaal and suitable?
Q: If we recite surah waaqiya at night, poverty will not afflict us. Is this sahih?
Q: I was in my bed suddenly a thought came to me that have you said to someone you are not married? I don't think I said so. I know these are waswasas but they don't leave me. Can I take bait?
Q: Does ghusl become obligatory on the women if her husband rubs her clitoris which causes her sexual climax without penetration of fingers in the vagina?
Q: In a Hadith it says رب مبلغ ارعي من سامع . What does it mean?
Q: Can a person keep the name kibriyah?
Q: My family are not Christian, they belong to a kuffaar sect who act like Muslims (alevi), however this year they have decided to have a family Christmas celebration on 25/12. They will exchange presents in a kris kringle (secret santa gift exchange where everyone anonymously buys one person a gift) and will share a family meal with traditional Christmas foods.
Q: What is the solution for negative thinking, inferiority complex, drowsiness, irritation?