Rulings on Pubic Hair and Hair under Armpits

Q: I would like to know detailed rulings on Pubic Hair and Hair under Armpits.

  1. Is there any time limit like 40 days? Is that Fard, Wajid or Sunnah?
  2. Is it true that one's supplication will get no answer if those hairs are not removed within 40 days?
  3. Can we use Hair Removing Cream or Lotion instead of Scissors, Razor or some other sharp things since they are risky in handling?
  4. Actual boundaries of Pubic/Under Armpit Hair to be removed?
  5. Hair around the Anus?

Layering the hair

Q: Can women keep their hair 2 lengths? They call it layering. According to what I heard from one Aalim is that Nabi (s.a.w) prohibited from qaz (shaving the sides and keeping the hair big on the top), but to have a small difference is ok. For example to cut 4 on the top and 3 at the bottom. So my 2nd question is that is the fatwa that we generally learn from our ulema regarding males is on a precautionary/taqwa basis?